
SPAQυE rehabilitates polluted industrial sites and landfills in close collaboration with local public stakeholders, such as municipalities, autonomous ports, associations of municipalities, and also with private partners.

The sites remediated or in the process of rehabilitation by SPAQυE, where projects will be developed by a partner, include the AMS Sud cluster - Marchienne-au-Pont power plant - AMS Nord (taken over in the Charleroi Porte Ouest area), Cockerill Sambre II, Châtelet gasworks, Thuin shipyard, Lumat, the urban wasteland covered by the Charleroi Creative District project, Farciennes power plant, Grand Champs, Saint-Louis and Rivage coal mines.

SPAQuE is also seeking partners for the development of projects on its rehabilitated properties, the Léonard Giot Foundry site in Marchienne-au-Pont (4.2 ha available for economic use and 1.5 ha for residential use), as well as the Aciérie Allard site in Mont-sur-Marchienne where, in particular, SPAQuE will be building a 4.5 ha photovoltaic park in 2020.